Carbohydrate Is Not Bad For You

It must be very confusing when starting a weight loss plan. The internet is full of different opinions regarding weight loss. One constant and wrong approach I hear to weight loss is to cut carbohydrate to very low levels when trying to lose weight. This is a simple method to monitor for many people as they just simply cut back on pasta, rice, bread and potato. Deleting your …

Clever Calories

I have some great facts for you each week to help you make better food choices. For example, a piece of pizza (200g) with Mozzarella and pepperoni is a whopping 650 calories. However a Vegetable pizza with cheese is over half the calories at 250 calories! This next example is even more shocking if you like Indian food – A …


Let’s face it, the vast majority of us eat and drink more in December. Those of you who don’t clearly have a halo above your head and do not need to read this, the rest of you should. In December if you have, for example, 4 more drinks than usual per week, a big meal out and even sneak in …

HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE (HGH) – Key To Feeling & Looking Younger

  HGH is produced naturally in the body and as you get older it significantly reduces. HGH is largely responsible for how young a personal looks and feels. The great news is that certain types of training can actually reverse the negative effects getting older has on this hormone – in simple terms you can get back in control of …

Super Foods That Work

It may be hard to believe, but there are foods that you can add to your diet that will help you lose weight faster.  Can it be true that you can lose weight by eating more?  It is!  These so called “diet super foods” are great for giving the body the nutrients it needs to fight off illness, give you …

Starter Or Super Size

  A 90g portion of Tomato Bruschetta = 330 calories   or   A 300g portion of Moules Mariniere = 250 calories