Get Fit Fast – 7 Minute Workout Works

Interval Training has been getting serious press for its effectiveness for fat loss and fitness benefits over the last couple of years and rightly so. The American College of Sports Medicine recently outlined a program (see link at end) that can be done at home with no equipment and takes only 7 minutes.  Yes this type of training is hard but your body can be reaping …

Cardiovascular Training Best For Fat Loss

As a personal trainer around Bedfordshire I have always strongly advocated the use of cardiovascular training (running, boxing pad work and exercise bike etc) as the best way to burn fat. A recent study has provided strong evidence that cardiovascular training is the best method to lose fat and the results can be seen by clicking here. Some personal trainers use …

Obesity Now A Young Disease

As a personal trainer I am seeing more people in their twenties hire me. This is no surprise as its not just the middle age that are suffering from obesity but the younger generations as well. A study has now shown just how damaging being obese in your twenties can be once a person reaches middle age? Please click here to read …

Eating Protein At Breakfast Helps Prevent Snacking

A recent study has identified that a breakfast high in protein, compared to a traditional cereal based breakfast, helps stop craving high calorie foods in the evening. A great high protein breakfast could be a boiled egg with one slice of wholemal bread with low sugar baked beans.  This could have huge implications on the battle against obesity in the …

Carbohydrate Is Not Bad For You

It must be very confusing when starting a weight loss plan. The internet is full of different opinions regarding weight loss. One constant and wrong approach I hear to weight loss is to cut carbohydrate to very low levels when trying to lose weight. This is a simple method to monitor for many people as they just simply cut back on pasta, rice, bread and potato. Deleting your …

Get Up 20 minutes Earlier & Burn 20% More Fat.

A study now shows that exercising before breakfast can burn 20 percent more fat than if you train after eating. That 20 % could well be the all important dress size for the Christmas party or a couple of notches down on the belt making that belly not so obvious. A 20 minute jog, swim or cross trainer workout before …

Essential Reading If You Are Hiring A Personal Trainer

The market is over crowded with Personal Trainers. Some highly qualified and unfortunately an ever growing number barely qualified. As a Professional Personal Trainer who took the degree route with 4 years of my life dedicated to learning every aspect of human physiology, exercise psychology and body mechanics, I think I deserve the right to be a member of the …