I have some great facts for you each week to help you make better food choices. For example, a piece of pizza (200g) with Mozzarella and pepperoni is a whopping 650 calories. However a Vegetable pizza with cheese is over half the calories at 250 calories! This next example is even more shocking if you like Indian food – A …
Let’s face it, the vast majority of us eat and drink more in December. Those of you who don’t clearly have a halo above your head and do not need to read this, the rest of you should. In December if you have, for example, 4 more drinks than usual per week, a big meal out and even sneak in …
Key To Preventing Certain Cancers
Frighteningly, every 2 minutes someone is diagnosed with cancer in the UK. Surely it makes sense for us to take every means possible that are under our control to minimise our risk of getting certain cancers. Well the good news is that research now shows us that for certain types of cancers that taking regular exercise significantly reduces the chances …
HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE (HGH) – Key To Feeling & Looking Younger
HGH is produced naturally in the body and as you get older it significantly reduces. HGH is largely responsible for how young a personal looks and feels. The great news is that certain types of training can actually reverse the negative effects getting older has on this hormone – in simple terms you can get back in control of …
Burn Fat The Smart Way
Why go to a Bootcamp? Bootcamp exercise classes are now extremely popular and, in my opinion, here to stay. I currently have 4 Bootcamps in Bedford. A good Bootcamp should push you to do more than you would normally do if you were to exercise alone, whilst at the same time giving the opportunity to work to your own limits …
Interval Training – High-Intensity Tabata Training
I use High-Intensity Interval Training with a lot of my clients, this is a great article with an overview to the different Interval Training techniques including Tabata training which is one of my favourites. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-intensity_interval_training All clients have a health check with me first to ensure suitability for training methods. I also use Interval training techniques at my Boot Camps …
How Your Body Responds To A Carbohydrate Binge
I found this fantastic article about over eating on carbohydrates by Mark Sisson Within a few minutes, your pancreas kicks into overdrive and sends out a flood of insulin to try to sop up all the excess glucose that’s suddenly rushing through your bloodstream. Click here for the full article
Dance Away Those Calories
An hour of dancing = 286 calories Allows you to choose between a standard Mars Bar = 280 calories or 12 Brazil nuts = 275 calories
Burger It!!
1/3 of a quarter pounder cheeseburger with bacon = 220 calories or a whole soya based veggie burger with all trimmings = 220 calories
Adam Trains Samantha Janus After EastEnders!!!
Adam’s latest Celebrity project is to help Samantha Janus get in tip top condition ready for her role as Nelly Forbush in South Pacific. Adam has used the same methods as he uses with all his clients including Hannah Waterman. This includes interval training using boxing, medicine ball work and exercise resistance bands. Adam says “Samantha has a fantastic energy …