Clever Calories

I have some great facts for you each week to help you make better food choices. For example, a piece of pizza (200g) with Mozzarella and pepperoni is a whopping 650 calories. However a Vegetable pizza with cheese is over half the calories at 250 calories! This next example is even more shocking if you like Indian food – A …


Let’s face it, the vast majority of us eat and drink more in December. Those of you who don’t clearly have a halo above your head and do not need to read this, the rest of you should. In December if you have, for example, 4 more drinks than usual per week, a big meal out and even sneak in …

Burger It!!

1/3 of a quarter pounder cheeseburger with bacon = 220 calories   or a whole soya based veggie burger with all trimmings = 220 calories    

Breakfast Choice

1 Croissant (approx67g) + Butter (approx 32g) =370 Calories Or 1/2 Banana, 1/4 Pineapple, 1/4 melon, 2 figs, 50g grapes, 70g mixed berries = 220 Calories You can even add 1 bread roll with jam to equal 370 Calories