Proven & Trusted Celebrity Personal Trainer
Working with Hannah Waterman was a fun and exciting project, which ended with me in front of television cameras for the first time. I even had to learn how to move with the music (sort of) no mean feat for the choreographer, in helping Hannah present her weight loss DVD.
I trained Hannah twice a week incorporating the exercises shown in the DVD. It is the intensity and timing of these exercises that is most important. They were researched and based on the very latest and proven exercise scientific evidence and that is why Hannah got such great results. There is no reason why you can’t have results like Hannah Waterman did. My training methods will work for you just like they did for Hannah!
Kevin Mckidd and I trained hard for 6 months before he left the UK to go and live in LA where he now stars as a major role in the popular series Grey’s Anatomy. It was great to work with Kevin as he really put his heart and sole into every personal training session. We became good mates and since leaving the UK I was fortunate enough to go and stay with Kevin in LA where we also trained for a couple of weeks in between walking his two lovely dogs.
I hope Kevin returns to the UK someday as I miss our interval training sprint sessions around the country parks in Bedfordshire.
It was a pleasure to train Katy Hill as she was always very keen to exercise and gave it her all. Katy particularly enjoyed the boxing pad work and actually became very good as the weeks went on. Katy also did some high intensity sprints on the cross trainer just to ensure we burned as many calories as possible in each session.
We typically finished the sessions with core exercises to help flatten and strengthen her tummy after pregnancy. Katy is a very busy mum of 2 and proved that if you want it bad enough anything is possible.
Samantha Janus trained regularly with me to get in the best possible shape for roles on the stage following her break from EastEnders.
Samantha trained with a mixture of boxing pad work, short shuttle run sprints and weights to get her lean and toned. Sam was great fun train and gave it 100% every session!
Abi revealed she started to feel unhappy about her body after indulging on two holidays with her boyfriend of 9 months.
‘I gained bout 1/2st- it’s amazing how much you can put on in four weeks! I know I wasn’t big at a curvy size 10-12 and 9st 10lbs, but I felt uncomfortable and wanted to slim down for that.’
With the help of celebrity trainer Adam Cochrane, Abi- who is now a size 8-10 and 9 stone- followed his 1,500-calorie-a-day meal plan and core-strengthening workout routine.
Now Abi works out for two hours a week with Adam, doing boxing, circuit moves and core strengthening.
Click here to see the full story at Closer magazine