Client’s Training Diary

Today I trained hard outside in the park to burn fat and build muscle. I really enjoy exercising outside, it was a nice sunny day albeit cold, but i soon warmed up!

Training outside in the sunshine and fresh air just puts me in such a good mood and it sets you up for the day. The other major advantage of training outside is that you never have to wait for a machine to do your workout and it’s free!!!!!!!!

Adam informed me that the next stage of my programme was circuit training (doing a series of exercises in a row for a set amount of time). This he told me is a great way to burn fat and get in shape!

Something that I did not realise was that long slow cardio is almost a complete waste of time for weight loss and burning fat. The more of this type of cardio you do, the more efficient your body becomes at not burning calories so the end result is that you have to workout longer and longer to burn the same amount of calories each session! The body adapts quickly, it does not want to lose fat……!

Adam informed me that high intensity sprint training, is one of the best way’s to burn fat and lose weight and the best news is, it doesn’t take long to do……it just destroys you in the process…… but hey…. no pain, no gain! Adam set up a long row of cones and got me sprinting from one end to the other, just like footballers do when they train. It was truly exhausting but after each lap (approx 1 minute), i had an active rest period of 1 minute and then straight back into it. I managed to do 20 reps……Adam was very impressed with me(he he!).

Following each set of 5 reps, I immediately did a sequence of abdominal exercises using dumb-bells. I found these to be more beneficial to me personally as I could feel it working my muscles more efficiently, especially my lower abs muscles which need all the help they can get after two caesarean babies!

Today was good fun and a new experience. My weight is dropping off and I feel fitter and trimmer than I have done in years…..hooray!