How To Diet Properly & Boost Your Metabolism

When we’re bombarded with images of gorgeous celebrities who seem to lose weight in the time it takes us to eat a Danish pastry, it’s no wonder we’re often tempted to cut our already low calorie intakes in an effort to shift an extra pound or two each week. But surprisingly, rather than helping us to reach our target weight …

Super Foods That Work

It may be hard to believe, but there are foods that you can add to your diet that will help you lose weight faster.  Can it be true that you can lose weight by eating more?  It is!  These so called “diet super foods” are great for giving the body the nutrients it needs to fight off illness, give you …

Get A Slimmer Tummy

Summer is on its way along with numerous articles promising abs in 2 weeks. I can assure you there are no quick fixes but I can get you on your way to feeling happier with yourself as you start thinking about stripping off for the beach. Here are my top 3 exercises to work those glutes – do all 3 …

Client’s Training Diary

Today I trained hard outside in the park to burn fat and build muscle. I really enjoy exercising outside, it was a nice sunny day albeit cold, but i soon warmed up! Training outside in the sunshine and fresh air just puts me in such a good mood and it sets you up for the day. The other major advantage of training outside …

Adam Cochrane Features In Hannah Waterman DVD

London trainer helps celebrity getting fighting fit The weight loss of television star Hannah Waterman has become the toast of celebrity magazines thanks to a London fitness coach. The transformation in the figure of the former Eastenders actress is down to the hard work and guidance of trainer Adam Cochrane. Mr Cochrane has trained the likes of Grey’s Anatomy star …